ポーラ・パットンのインスタグラム(paulapattonofficial) - 12月27日 05時28分

It's a funny thing when you get to the very end of Christmas Day, so much effort & expectations that lead up to the day and then it happens...finally...silence and as you situate yourself in the comfy corner section of the house, about to press your code into your phone to see what everyone else has been doing with their day, a person you didn't expect to ever tell you something so unbelievably vulnerable, does and you immediately decide that you will love that someone until the end of time...who was once someone you avoided, becomes someone you can't imagine not talking too. That seems to be the most special thing about Christmas - that it can't help but make you love a little more than you normally would. It asks that you be just a little more kind, a little more compassionate, a little more joyful on that one day. There is also this metaphorical bursting or crawling to the finish line (@チャンス・ザ・ラッパー, #FinishLine plays on repeat while I'm on the treadmill)). Let's keep it real, deep exhale...you survived it! Dear God, Thank you


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