ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 12月28日 06時05分

Dearest Carrie- we are breathless- our family loves you, beyond the limited vocabulary this planet provides- it is futile to express but I shall try. We honor the humor, strength, vulnerability, and honesty you gave us. We must take pause, no one was ready- thank you for ALL of you- for being there for every person on this planet through your artistry, for opening your home for my best friends wedding, for hopping on a plane to be in 'Fanboys' a young filmmakers movie within a blink of an eye @カイル・ニューマン - thank you for the truth you so brilliantly revealed to all of us, always unapologetically- you. May God Bless You- May the force be with you... ALWAYS ??


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