Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 12月31日 19時27分

The last of #breakfast of 2016, this unsettling, weird year. It's funny when you look around social media, it looks like that people did not really like 2016 at all. Celebrity deaths apart, some unpleasant, important matters influenced the mood of the world this year (Brexit, Trump, etcetera). So I took @elizabeth_gilbert_writer's advice from last year, and I created a small end-of-the-year ritual for myself. I took a quite moment to reflect, after breakfast with this chestnut floor and orange, I wrote what I'd like to liberate myself from, and what I'd like to achieve in 2017 on a paper, then I burned the paper. Would've been nice to take its ashes to where water flows, but the closest water flowing to my house is the one in the sink.
I hope we all get a decent turning point in the new year. I hope we work hard, we commit, to make the change we deserve. I hope we will shed the indifference, in each single subject. I hope we step forward. Happy new year!
#LabNoon #LabNoonFood


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