キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 1月1日 11時01分

#2016Recap Looking back at all the love and support I have been given on #WaitedToExhale has truly been an eye opener for me to all the support I have always had. When you are lacking in self belief it's easy to zero in only on the things that are going "wrong" or creating reasons as to why you aren't where you want to be because you don't have the money, or the circumstance. It's easy to compare yourself to others because you are trying to understand what "success" looks like. The truth is it's different for everyone and patience is a VIRTUE! The actual success one feels comes from being TRUE to oneself, it's not about how many records you have sold but those you have touched. I think it's so important as a creative to remember the relationship is with you and those who care to take a look into your world and understand how you see it, not those that don't. I am so grateful for those I do get to share my gifts with, those that care to come for the ride with me on my journey. I am truly so grateful and enjoy sharing my heart with you all!! @lawrencesmurray


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