ベス・ロッデンのインスタグラム(bethrodden) - 1月4日 07時41分

I love good food. I also love climbing. And I really love our environment. This month I'm partnering up with @goodeggs to raise money for @protectourwinters . We all have ways to fight climate change and one of my passions is eating good, quality food. Everyone spends money to eat each day, so why not have that money go into the pockets of good stewards of the land? If you are in the Bay Area use the code CLIMBON for $15 off incredible groceries delivered to your door. 10% of all the proceeds goes to @protectourwinters . It's basically a win win situation for everyone! ??????#goodeggseats #votewithyourdollar #keepparis #eatgoodclimbgood


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



