タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 1月5日 09時54分

A special Happy Birthday to my brother's queen! Nothing more special than a woman holding her man down and him truly recognizing it! #CapNation #TheGeneral
#Repost @omarihardwickofficial
Back then....
Riding with me long before much more than my car to call home. Long before the oddity of fame from performing a scene or penning a poem...in this picture, housing a 3 month old son who now lives above the sun...in your tummy, before becoming Supa Nova & Brave Boy's Mommy....while their Pop's Pop was fighting for his life too..
oooooh....the life we been thru. Met you at 22. Shot outa God like a 22....til we were both scarred ...bullets turned roses turned dreams turned hard.......to make this journey work without you. Ride or Die or Fly....like the Eagles inside of you do. Thank you God for loaning my Jaedi Master to the world......but most imperatively to lil ole me & Chance & Nova & Brave....our mighty 3. *Happy Born day Cappy Queen. Happy WORTHday!! I LOVE YOU.


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