ミンカ・ケリーのインスタグラム(minkakelly) - 1月15日 10時06分

When you take a peek at your mentions on your last post and the venom you see people spewing at each other hurts your heart.
You guys!!! My goodness.
First of all. Can we all agree that we're all doing our best? Can we all try to come from a place of love and try to understand where someone is coming from when they don't see things the way you do? That because they don't have the same history that you do and they feel differently than you do is no reason to be so hurtful towards each other?? Can we respect and appreciate how different we all are and have the respect, humility, and patience to hear each other out? Can we remember that what unites us is far stronger than what divides us and that that is LOVE. Can we love each other even when we're dealing with someone we see as unlovable? Can we love anyway? Love deeper and harder despite our differences? I believe that the anger and hatred we're sending out into the world has a ripple effect in our universe and we have to be so careful and remember how powerful our words are.. Love love love no matter what. At the end of the day it truly wins. Please.
Let us love. Now more than ever.
It's so important.
I. Love. You. No. Matter. What.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




