ロゼリン・サンチェスのインスタグラム(roselyn_sanchez) - 1月17日 00時52分

RIP MOTA Saturday around 7:15pm SEBELLA said to me: "I know you're sad and I know you will miss her. But old dogs die mommy. She's going to fly, dance and be happy". I couldn't believe my ears with the simplicity and clarity that it was said... it's almost like God told her to prepare me for the moment. Around 8pm Mota left us... she crossed the Rainbow Bridge... El peor día de mi vida. El dolor es inmenso, el corazón está destruido... pero me consuela saber que está en el cielo sin dolor, junto a su hermanito Jack y está volando, bailando y feliz. #TeAMOMota #diostebendigasiempre


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