ダニ・ソングのインスタグラム(songdani) - 1月19日 10時30分

everyday reminder: it's okay to be SUPER happy!! Sometimes when I'm too positive the other dark side of my brain tends to say "I don't deserve happiness" BUT my heart is telling me YES to all of the positive vibes and this new road I'm headed towards!
I love you all so much for your unconditional love and support. You guys are my forever family and I want you guys to know that at the end of the day, we are ONE?? . I am thankful that our father God has connected all of us. I am so proud to announce that even though It took me this long to love myself, it's the BEST gift that I've ever gave to myself. please take a moment to feel your heart. please don't forget about the "mini" you ??. It's okay to be a kid. #foreveryoung ❤️#oneLOVE #youarebeautifulwhenyousmile instead of what we don't have, let's appreciate what we do have. #countyourblessings


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