キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 1月20日 02時12分

I have a dream too. That no more for every five black peoples that are killed only three "count". I have a dream too, that one day under the CONSTITUTION a black persons will equal a WHOLE person in America. I have a dream too that the lower income cities will stop being indoctrinated with ignorance and self hate. I have a dream too, that one day those same indoctrinated people will no more fall victim to a justice system that wants them to be in jail because it's a profitable "business". I have a dream too that we one day will reverse the corporatism that plagues our country. Thank you MLK, for dying for your dream, because as you said "If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."


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