Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 2月2日 05時50分

Photo by @Tim Laman. The hand of a male orangutan in Borneo. An unpublished photo from my recent story in Dec 2016 @ナショナルジオグラフィック magazine. When you prepare a story for publication in @ナショナルジオグラフィック magazine, you work with your photo editor to narrow down thousands of photos from many months of fieldwork to about forty or fifty photos that you present to the editor-in-chief for approval. From that set, there is a further selecting of the photos that actually get published in the magazine, where only those that best tell the story are printed. This is a rather painful process for us photographers because their are always shots you really like that tell amazing stories which you have spent a ton of effort to get, that don’t get in to the magazine. So I’ve decided to share some of these “#UnpublishedOrangutans” with you here on IG. Please enjoy.
I love this hand because being this close you realize how similar orangutans are to humans. And this is a wild orangutan, so it was an amazing encounter to be this close, though I did use a big lens. #PrimateConnection, #orangutan, #Indonesia, @saveGPorangutans, @thephotosociety, @NatGeoCreative, @Tim Laman.

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