大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 2月5日 17時37分

Nebamun was an ancient Egyptian accountant in charge of grain at the great Temple of Amun around 1350 BC. This painting from his tomb shows Nebamun inspecting flocks of geese and herds of cattle. The alternating colours and patterns of cattle create a superb sense of animal movement.

Hieroglyphs describe the scene and record what the farmers say as they squabble in the queue. The herdsman is telling the farmer in front of him in the queue: 'Come on! Get away! Don’t speak in the presence of the praised one! He detests people talking … Pass on in quiet and in order … He knows all affairs, does the scribe and counter of grain of [Amun], Neb[amun]’. Interestingly, the name of the god Amun has been removed in this caption. Shortly after Nebamun died, the pharaoh Akhenaten (1352–1336 BC) had Amun’s name erased from monuments as part of his religious reforms.
#ancientEgypt #hieroglyphs #Egypt #history #BritishMuseum


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