ヤシー・プレスマンのインスタグラム(yassipressman) - 2月5日 18時20分

Work is work. And i LOOOVE my job. I've worked really really hard, and i thank every single person that has helped me through my journey. And as much as i am fully commited to my craft, i don't forget to live a life outside of it. I dont forget my friends outside of the industry (love you guys!!! Thanks for keeping me grounded! Shoutout to my Fambam ?), I am also obssesed with the World, Humanity, Adventures, and I Love Discovering new things, Birds chirping in the morning, the way the sun shines, and how the sky changes color when it sets. ? I am so thankful for this life and the little things that matter most. ? Wishing everyone a happy happy blessed sunday. ??


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