リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 2月12日 15時23分

just imagine being from Jacksonville Florida with no internet to research shit. And no type of comedy scene. Shit we didn't even have a music scene. All we had was the 69 boys. Nobody never told me I couldn't be nothing but nobody really motivated me to do what I do now cuz nobody around even thought about being a superstar u just watched them. I said all this to say if I can make with no real help or push all u talented muthafuckas on here have no excuse. Everything u need is right here. This shit is too easy now. and u can't trip if somebody else blows up from doing stupid shit people always have even before the internet but at the same time the cream still rose to the top. So don't get discouraged just keep being consistent and if it's suppose to happen it will and if it don't it won't matter cuz u love it anyway. Aight I'm done with the motivational talk (this was only directed to real artists the rest of y'all go learn a trade or die. either one I'm cool with )


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