バーバラ・ザンガールのインスタグラム(babsizangerl) - 2月13日 03時31分

For me this boulder is a historical piece of rock. More than 13 years ago i did my last tries on "Mona Lisa", maybe the most famous 8a boulder in Vorarlberg. When i was 15 years old i was a size too small to reach this crimp with my right hand but i tried that one for days and days without having a snowball's chance in hell to do it. Yesterday we went back and it was like a revival to feel as motivated like on these old past days---with a great crew saving my back-> it was so cool to do "Mona Lisa". My-> #teenagedream
First ascent by Beat Kammerlander #cannotforgetthegoodolddayswithBerndDidiandClaudi

#liveclimbrepeat @blackdiamond @lasportivagram @sterlingrope @fazabrushes @hafervoll


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