ジマーマンのインスタグラム(zimmermann) - 2月14日 04時12分

Fall 17: “The Maples” is the name of one of buildings which was used to house student of the Women’s College at Sydney University following World War One. The starting point for the collection was a look at the life of female students attending the University during the time. We looked at amazing photos of the period - these young women playing sport wearing traditional men’s attire – cricket whites and team blazers - slouchy sweaters, oversized coats. They smiled, they had defiance and there was something a bit roguish about it all. And then there was the photos of the nights – thoughts of smoky danced in rooms, draped oriental silk pyjama robes and demure bias drop wait dresses. The inspiration for the collection is more about the mood than the period itself. x Nz #fall17 #themaples #nyfwzimmermann #zimmermann


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