アレクサ・ヴェガのインスタグラム(vegaalexa) - 2月15日 00時17分

I would like to take a moment to talk about God's amazing grace. This past week has been a struggle for my family as our beautiful abuelita (grandma) was on life support. It has been a bitter sweet experience. Here is this woman who has had such a full and beautiful life... 93 years old...12 kids... more than 50 grand kids...10 great grand children... just the most incredible little Colombian woman inside and out. This week her lungs collapsed. Her heart started failing. Her stomach stopped working and she fell into a coma. As we all prepared ourselves to say goodbye my family's local church members came to her side and prayed over her for over five hours. When I say the power of prayer can bring forth the most amazing miracles THIS WILL FLOOR YOU. Our abuelita Yeya woke up completely healed. The Dr.'s cannot find anything wrong with her. They can't explain it. They keep running tests to try to make sense of it all. But we know... God's grace is what healed her. It is miracles like this that remind me of how great our God is. Thankful for every extra day we get to live. #miracles #blessings


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