アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 2月15日 06時43分

Celebrate a special Valentine's Day Trilobite Tuesday with specimens known as Love Bugs! Over the last century, thousands of complete trilobite specimens have been uncovered within the rich Ordovician outcrops that surround Mount Orab in southern Ohio. Amid the rare 440 million-year-old Amphlichas and Isotelus specimens that emerge from the area's sedimentary layers, are the formation's most common Paleozoic inhabitants, Flexicalymene retrosa. Occasionally these small, usually less than two inch, trilobites are found in closely associated pairings that have been dubbed Love Bugs. Whether or not these enrolled specimens represent a mating pair—still a debatable subject in paleontological circles—in honor of this special day, we salute the Love Bugs of Ohio. #TrilobiteTuesday #ValentinesDay


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