大怪獣チャランポラン祭り 鉄ドン TETSUDON:THE KAIJU DREAM MATCH ゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭2017にてワールドプレミア! World Premiere at Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival! 20:00~,Sat,4th,Mar,2017 2017年/日本語(英語字幕)/105分 2017/JAPANESE(ENGLISH Subtitle)/105min シン・ゴジラがなんぼのもんじゃい!面白ければなんでもありの鉄ドンが贈る、空前絶後のオムニバス怪獣バカ映画。 最強精鋭のバカ映画監督28人が、完全オリジナルの新怪獣・珍ヒーローを引っ提げてここに集結。 笑い、恐怖、下品、感動。すべてが詰まった鉄ドン史上最大規模の本気印バカ映画を見逃すな! ひと作品3分30秒。上映中に拍手もブーイングも起こる伝統のライブスタイル。 「前説」に始まり「金返せ」で終わる鉄ドンのリングで、さあ、今年もドリームマッチの開幕だ!みんなで叫ぼう!鉄っちゃんの、ドーンとやってみよう!! Get out of the way, Shin-Godzilla! Tetsudon, a film event originally launched in 1992 in Osaka to push boundaries of what is funny, is proud to present the greatest over-the-top “Kaiju” monster comedy omnibus film of all time. The silliest yet very talented 28 directors created and brought together their latest films featuring brand-new “kaiju” monsters and heroes to create the omnibus work. It’s funny. It’s scary. It’s vulgar――but it’s moving… This is one seriously silly Tetsudon masterpiece you just cannot afford to miss. The work is comprised of 28 three-and-half-minute films directed by different directors. Tetsudon is known for its unique film-showing style; the audience is allowed to do whatever they want: Some in the audience clap and laugh while others boo…and laugh. You’re set to scream at the screen, “Give me my money back!” when the lights go up after the film―and how fun it is to share that moment and laugh with the other audience members. Tetsudon is a dream match of everything funny. Let's get started and laugh your head off! Let's get loud! Let's do it!! Translation Shinsuke Matsuda Adviser Shinsuke Kuriyama @Wordsberg http://yubarifanta.com/films/4124/

keisakukimuraさん(@keisakukimura)が投稿した動画 -

木村圭作のインスタグラム(keisakukimura) - 2月15日 15時33分

大怪獣チャランポラン祭り 鉄ドン
World Premiere at Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival!

2017/JAPANESE(ENGLISH Subtitle)/105min
Get out of the way, Shin-Godzilla! Tetsudon, a film event originally launched in 1992 in Osaka to push boundaries of what is funny,
is proud to present the greatest over-the-top “Kaiju” monster comedy omnibus film of all time. The silliest yet very talented 28 directors created and brought together their latest films
featuring brand-new “kaiju” monsters and heroes to create the omnibus work. It’s funny. It’s scary. It’s vulgar――but it’s moving… This is one seriously silly Tetsudon masterpiece
you just cannot afford to miss. The work is comprised of 28 three-and-half-minute films directed by different directors.
Tetsudon is known for its unique film-showing style; the audience is allowed to do whatever they want: Some in the audience clap and laugh while others boo…and laugh.
You’re set to scream at the screen, “Give me my money back!” when the lights go up after the film―and how fun it is to share that moment and laugh
with the other audience members. Tetsudon is a dream match of everything funny. Let's get started and laugh your head off! Let's get loud!
Let's do it!!
Translation Shinsuke Matsuda
Adviser Shinsuke Kuriyama @Wordsberg



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



