ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月19日 00時05分

“In the past, we hadn’t really been like, ‘OK, here’s where we stand,’ ” said Lacy Simons, the owner of @hellohellobooks in the seaside town of Rockland, Maine. But on the day after the presidential election, Lacy was jolted into action when customers began drifting into the store, not to buy books, exactly, but in search of solace. “This is just one of the places where people went,” she said. “If they were gutted from the election, people just came in to pet the books.” All over the country, independent bookstores have entered the diffuse and suddenly fierce protest movement that has sprung up on the left since President @ドナルド・トランプ took office. Their roles range from meeting place to political war room. At @hellohellobooks, Lacy’s plans to push back are just beginning: Later this month, the store's new social justice reading and action group will meet for the first time. (Suggested reading: “What We Do Now: Standing Up for Your Values in Trump’s America.”) @tspinski photographed Lacy at @hellohellobooks.


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