ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月21日 13時09分

Photo by @martinschoeller
Martin: “Hi Arlando, good to see you. Have you ever been homeless?”
Arlando: “I have been but not recently. I deliver food to homeless shelters, I even went out to San Francisco with a couple of churches to help the homeless out there. It’s kinda like the workin’ poor where you could be homeless but you know somebody, so you’re one stage from it. You know, it’s like when you have family, when you have friends you don’t have to necessarily hit the streets but if they say no, you’d be right there. Circumstances. It’s just you kinda lucked out a little bit better in the lottery, you know what I’m sayin’? The lottery of life. ‘Cause you know in the lottery of life you don’t know who your family will be. The homeless people that I know are just like me and you. It’s no difference. Born to somebody else, they’d be in a different position.” .
For more portraits and stories, follow me @martinschoeller


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