DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 2月21日 16時10分

Our doggy Instagram world is a wonderful community of people who have a passion for showcasing their pets, the funny things their pets do and the loving relationships they have with them. We spend many hours scrolling through dog and cat Instagram accounts swooning over all the beautiful dogs and cats on here (it's mums favourite pastime) And we know that lots of people visit our page to see us being cute too. But we thought, instead of just sharing our pictures all the time we're going to hand over Fridays for other adorable pets to take our space. We're not limiting any pets here (well except snakes or spiders cos, ew.) but we will be looking for some interesting/cute/silly/naughty pets to share, or some with an interesting story/background that we can share. So if you'd like more people to swoon over your fur baby here's how to have your pet take our limelight for the day. Upload a photo or video of your pet and tag us in the caption/photo. Use #phillysfridayfeature and then be watching your DM because if you are selected you will need to tell us a little about your pet so we can post a mini bio of them with their photo.
First #phillysfridayfeature will be in 3 days so start posting! Xxx
Edit: all these amazing dogs coming out of the woodwork that I've never even met! Please tag your dog account in the comments so I can come follow you! ??‍♀️??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



