CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 2月22日 13時17分

The Department of Homeland Security has began rolling out President Trump's plans for a wider crackdown on people coming into the United States. The moves, outlined in a pair of memos signed by DHS Secretary John Kelly, include an end to the policy of releasing people caught at the borders pending deportation hearings, hiring thousands more federal agents, sending more judges and officers to deal with asylum claims, enlisting more help from local police and speeding up removal proceedings for a larger number of people who are in the country illegally. The memos also recommend authorities seek prosecution of parents who pay smugglers to bring their children into the United States — decisions that will ultimately be made by federal prosecutors. These moves are separate from Trump's ban on travel from seven majority-Muslim countries, which is has been blocked by federal courts and could result in a newly written executive order this week.


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