サザビーズのインスタグラム(sothebys) - 2月23日 20時27分

“Painting is no longer for me a function of the eye. My paintings are the ashes of my art.” Using the human body as a paint brush, Yves Klein pushed back the frontiers of painting with his radical interpretation of the historic motif of the female nude. The son of two artists, Klein used his in-depth knowledge of art history and its practitioners, of classical and antique sculpture, to break away from the avant-garde and forge his own path. ‘Untitled Anthropometry (ANT 114)’, hanging here in our #London galleries, dates from 1960, the year of the artist’s legendary ‘Anthropométries de L’Époque Bleue’ performance in Paris. For this feted happening, a select audience was invited to watch Klein, dressed in immaculate white tie and gloves, as he instructed three nude female models to cover themselves in his vivid ultramarine, drag each other across a paper-lined floor, and imprint themselves in particular poses against a huge wall-mounted canvas. #SothebysContemporary #YvesKlein #yellow


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