尾形沙耶香のインスタグラム(sayakaogata) - 3月5日 05時27分

We had many great discoveries in India. This was one of them. When we found the store, we were heading toward a cafe to have a break. To be honest, I regretted that we hadn't taken a taxi. Because, there were many cars and motorbikes (also some cows!) and there weren't any sidewalks. Anyway, we walked on the road. Then, my husband found a shop and somehow we decided to take a look. However, the shop was closed so we entered a shop next door. When I picked up one of the items, I realized that It was totally different from others that I've seen before. So I decided to buy many items. After that I came to know those were made by women who are living in the village in India and buying them will create work for women. If I buy something, It will help someone, that is perfect. But, remember, I had decided to buy them before I knew this. I didn't feel like only donating. I was attracted by the items. I was so happy to find this charity "SHANTI HASTKALA". http://www.shantihastkala.org/index.php
Shanti Hastkala
shantihastkala.org @shantihastkala
It was one of my special experiences in this journey.

#india?? #エシカルファッション


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