デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 3月5日 07時26分

Relationships are hard but they are even harder when they are built on a foundation of bullshit. If you are in a r-ship that sucks just do what I did and end it. Say you're sick of the bs and close the garage door on it. Everyone is a work in progress and we all need extra care and attention sometimes but I mean come the fuck on with the insecurity & doubt. If a person is with you that says something so start doing your part to build it up. We all f up but who cares it's not how hard you f up it's how you bounce back. Respect is earned and so is resentment when you don't do your part. I've had some awesome women in my life that helped me and I helped when all seemed lost. I've also had some misses but even those girls had something I took with me to the next commitment. I don't hold a grudge but I can't lie when I say some of them lost the best friend they ever had.
I joke a lot about this shit in my routine because we all deal with it but the point is this. If you love the person you're with prove it right now by telling them and posting a picture together on your Instagram saying "the best part of my life" and then read all the comments together eating ice cream.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



