ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月7日 04時33分

Photo by @shonephoto (Robbie Shone) and words by @m_synnott (Mark Synnott). The Russians haven’t been the only ones exploring Dark Star. La Venta Geographic Expeditions, a group of hardcore cavers from Italy, have been involved since the beginning. British cavers have also made significant contributions, and were the ones who named Dark Star after a satirical sci-fi movie of the 1970s. But exploration of Dark Star has been sporadic; it’s remote, the region is politically unstable, and the cave is vast and highly technical. Many expeditions have simply run out of rope. As soon as I entered the cave, I understood why. After a short scramble down a frost-covered slope, we arrived at the first crux, pictured here—a 100-foot rappel into a pit, followed by a steep climb up a rope fastened to the other side of this shaft. This in turn led us into a vertical three foot wide slot in which we pulled ourselves sideways on mud caked ropes between walls covered in ice. Had I known, as I sat in the mud panting beside the rathole through which these ropes had led me, that all this groveling had only gained about 300 feet—in a cave that has 11 miles of such passageways—I probably would have turned back right then. For more stories and photos from our feature article Into The Deep, which you can find in the March 2017 issue of National Geographic Magazine, please follow @shonephoto and @m_synnott #darkstar


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