メリル・デイヴィスのインスタグラム(meryledavis) - 3月7日 07時04分

Since I was 5-years-old and started taking skating lessons, my mom has been with me every step of the way. Acting as chauffeur, costume designer, personal psychologist, constant travel companion, cheerleader and beyond, she supported me to no end. In fact, the second Charlie and I finished our final performance in Sochi, she fell ill...the years of taking on so much stress for both of us finally catching up to her. After countless adventures together and beautiful memories made through my skating, it's finally her turn. In speaking with my grandmother one day, my mom heard my grandma say she wished she'd had the opportunity to dance more. Not having had the opportunity to pursue her own interest in dance as a kid, my mother agreed. "Why don't you?" my grandma asked...."Do it while you still can!" So, she did! ??My mom is now taking lessons and competing in ballroom dance. As if I could be any more proud of her or idolize her more than I always have...she goes and does something for herself. Finally! Live life to the fullest. DANCE! Thank you mom for always inspiring me to live my best life! Nothing could make me happier than seeing you live yours! ❤️ #ThankYouMom #thatsmymom #momgoals


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