まりかのインスタグラム(maricahase) - 3月7日 13時29分

Day 6th.. We got Taro's mom who is outside & pregnant cat.
I told mom "I make Taro happy for sure so you have to be happy too"
@penthouse Kelly'll take care of her and find owner of baby. PenthousePet @samspajamaparty also helped me a lot.
Such a sweet my family @penthouse ??Im so proud of my family.

And I start to open the door between Tenn and Taro. Still I have to be atention to them make sure dont fight.
But, looks they are confartable each other.
So, I wanna go to bed with them. It sounds very happy. But they have been playing without me for couple of hours.
Hey! you guys..mom is here.


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