アレックス・パッチシオのインスタグラム(alex_puccio89) - 3月9日 02時35分

Hey everyone, I need your help! I have been nominated for #stateofsportawards for Utah! If you have a second to spare please go to the website, link will be in my bio, and vote for me! Once you go to the link in my bio scroll down a little to the Pro/Olympian Athlete category. ? You can vote once EVERY DAY up until voting closes on Sunday April 9th, so for one month from now! I'm very honored to be nominated for this award and the list of nominees is inspirational. ☺️ Thank you in advanced for helping me out, I REALLY do appreciate it!!! ? @stateofsport http://stateofsportawards.com/voting


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




