ドウツェン・クロースのインスタグラム(doutzen) - 3月9日 13時36分

You know of my passion and mission to secure a future for elephants. Together, we have helped them significantly through the #knotonmyplanet campaign, however today I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart.
I recently learned of the death of "Satao 2" in Tsavo National Park in Kenya. He was one of the last “Big Tuskers” on the planet whose tusks drag the ground and can weigh over 100lbs each. These big tuskers are celebrities, the models of elephants and are true ambassadors for this cause. They should be safe; however, sadly they are not. Satao 2 was killed with a poison arrow by poachers. Thanks to investments by the Elephant Crisis Fund, his killers were apprehended, but not before he fell to the ground, the victim of such incredible human greed.

Though we’ve made great progress in ending the ivory crisis - witness the pledge to close China’s ivory markets this year - we still have so much more to do. In Satao 2’s name, I’m asking you to join me in the continuing efforts of the #knotonmyplanet campaign.

Last year was just the start. We engaged hundreds of millions, and now we will expand through the engagement of companies in the fashion industry and beyond. Please help me spread the word, donate and encourage others to donate.

We must to save these creatures!
30,000 elephants killed every year #knotonmyplanet Please donate at knotonmyplanet.org ❤️?❤ (link in bio)

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