MYLA RUNS HER MOUTH PART TWO: GET REAL ?? Here is the harsh truth when it comes to fashion: not everyone is made to be a model. That's just the reality. It's not fair, but life is not fair. That said, there is more opportunity now than there ever has been for girls who are not the traditional size or height, but you have to be realistic about what you are working with. If you are short, or extra extra curvy, or, like me, in the forgotten "in-between" category, you must know that you are coming from a disadvantaged position. Be realistic about the challenges you face, so you best know how to work around them. If you are having trouble getting signed, or are represented by an agency but not getting the type or level of work you want to be doing, think about what YOU can do to change that. Your agents will not change that for you. This can mean a number of things. Not getting the right images of yourself? Set up your own shoot. Find a stylist and a photographer and create images of yourself that you want to see. Or take photos of yourself! Become a multidimensional person. There are millions of pretty people in the world. What makes you different and special? Focus on that, something that you can create and control, and people will take notice. Is it writing? Write things! Is it style? Post your outfit every day. Is it music? Make some fucking music! There is no magic fix for people like us, we need to work hard to make shit happen for ourselves. My career changed when I focused my energies more on art and my feminism. It gave me depth and created a story that made me more than just a model (and more interesting for clients). Instagram can do a lot to build or boost a career, but I encourage people not to rely too heavily on it (it can become a trap). The girls who have found the most success through Instagram are the ones who have a real message, content that goes beyond duck-lip selfies. Be conscious about what you are putting out there, and do things with intention. Don't be afraid of the hustle. Think creatively about the path you take. When I feel stuck or forgotten about, I tell myself, "Make something so great that they have no chance to ignore you."

myladalbesioさん(@myladalbesio)が投稿した動画 -

マイラ・ダルブサイオのインスタグラム(myladalbesio) - 3月10日 07時05分

Here is the harsh truth when it comes to fashion: not everyone is made to be a model. That's just the reality. It's not fair, but life is not fair. That said, there is more opportunity now than there ever has been for girls who are not the traditional size or height, but you have to be realistic about what you are working with. If you are short, or extra extra curvy, or, like me, in the forgotten "in-between" category, you must know that you are coming from a disadvantaged position. Be realistic about the challenges you face, so you best know how to work around them.
If you are having trouble getting signed, or are represented by an agency but not getting the type or level of work you want to be doing, think about what YOU can do to change that. Your agents will not change that for you. This can mean a number of things. Not getting the right images of yourself? Set up your own shoot. Find a stylist and a photographer and create images of yourself that you want to see. Or take photos of yourself! Become a multidimensional person. There are millions of pretty people in the world. What makes you different and special? Focus on that, something that you can create and control, and people will take notice. Is it writing? Write things! Is it style? Post your outfit every day. Is it music? Make some fucking music! There is no magic fix for people like us, we need to work hard to make shit happen for ourselves. My career changed when I focused my energies more on art and my feminism. It gave me depth and created a story that made me more than just a model (and more interesting for clients). Instagram can do a lot to build or boost a career, but I encourage people not to rely too heavily on it (it can become a trap). The girls who have found the most success through Instagram are the ones who have a real message, content that goes beyond duck-lip selfies. Be conscious about what you are putting out there, and do things with intention. Don't be afraid of the hustle. Think creatively about the path you take. When I feel stuck or forgotten about, I tell myself, "Make something so great that they have no chance to ignore you."


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