ダニエル・ノリスのインスタグラム(danielnorris18) - 3月12日 11時05分

Yvon Chouinard - One of my favorite humans on this earth. Someone I had looked up to for so long because of his willingness to put the earth above his personal gains. Owner/Founder of @patagonia he has done everything in his power to make this world a better more simple place. - having the opportunity to paddle out with this guy in his back yard during the offseason with @ben_moon is something I will never forget. Not only that he left us with some classic one liners along the way.. from mobbing the rocky beach resulting in a flat tire.. to him sharing his sardines with us. "Not an adventure until something goes wrong" I'm grateful for every opportunity God blesses me with.. Hanging with this legend being way up at the top. P.S. I took this portrait with the same lens Ben used to take Yvons portrait many years back. Kinda rad how some things come full circle. #livesimply #dncityseries


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