テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 3月15日 13時39分

So proud of this guy, both the reviews and the response to his film @fleshbloodfilm have been off the hook, it's been an honor to be with him at #SXSW ?❤️✨ see you soon Austin! - "People often complain about the lack of original movies and the lack of original ideas in the modern Hollywood landscape. Mark Webber is a creator who is making original movies and Flesh and Blood is cold, hard proof of that. It is a very unique and super touching movie that should be seen. So, those of you who want to see more original movies need to do your part and seek this movie out. See Flesh and Blood. This movie deserves an audience. Creativity at this level deserves to be rewarded and it deserves eyeballs on it beyond those packed into theaters at a festival. This is a damn fine film." - Movieweb Review. #realitycinema ?: @lizkreutz


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