ジョエル・マーディニアンのインスタグラム(joellemardinian) - 3月16日 16時06分

I want to tell you a story of a DREAM, my story when I was a little girl. I wanted a dog so badly, I dreamed of having a dog every single day of my life. To me as a child a dog was going to be my friend, my companion, an animal that will love me, jump with excitement when it seems me, this dog will be like the ones I saw on tv, loyal, loving, fun, cute and cuddly. Unfortunately my parents didn't understand how much I longed to have a dog, they didn't understand that they were stopping me from having a BEST FRIEND and they were shattering my DREAM. Now as a mum I feel that as long as my kids are well behaved, receive good grades I need to reward them with the things they DREAM of. It should be a give and take situation with our children, we need to truly feel with them, they are little people with big feelings, big passions and needs. I argued with Ella for years telling her that she couldn't get her own horse till she turns 16, but then I remembered myself when I was a child and how I felt helpless, so I decided to get her what she wanted and she called her horse DREAM. I know many kids that would love to have animals such as cats, dogs, hamsters and they are denied of that dream, please think again of how your kids might feel if you deny they that DREAM ❤️ May all your dreams and your kids dreams come true ?????? #Ella #horse #dream #love #passion #friend #familyfirst

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