ミッチェル・コリンズのインスタグラム(michcoll) - 3月18日 03時47分

Today's lengthy #fbf brings back the simultaneous best/worst day of my life. Years ago when I was at BestWeekEver.tv.RIP, I was given the chance to interview @noelfielding11 & Julian Barratt of #TheMightyBoosh. I freaked the fuck out as it was like my third or FOURTH favorite show ever, pulled my hair into the tightest ponytail known to man (good thinking), brushed off my most fitted cowl neck sweater, and went downtown to meet my heroes. They were. So nice. And hot. And funny. I put my recorder down and sat with them for a good 20 minutes, asking detailed questions about The Mighty Boosh, their live show (which I also saw), but really in short selfishly tried to make them laugh. I got a few lols out of them & was like Lovely Bones in heaven looking down on my body happy. And as I got up to take this once in a lifetime pic, I looked down to see my recorder wasn't on. Basically I had wasted nearly a half an hour of their time for a nice chat. I still feel nauseous typing this out, but have dealt with these demons via years of therapy & cupping. (And yes, they filmed it for a doc but I was never able to get the audio sigh.) This is all to say I cannot WAITTT to watch Noel host the #GreatBritishBakeOff and that if I ever get the chance to interview them again I will show up with the ghost of Philip Seymour Hoffman holding a boom mic. (Mini shout-out to Julian's partner Julia Davis who is also a hero.)


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