ヘイリー・キヨコのインスタグラム(hayleykiyoko) - 3月21日 08時08分

Sleepover just hit 1 million views and I am beyond thankful to everyone who has supported this video. It's hard to celebrate when you wake up to find out that your videos are deemed 'inappropriate, sensitive material.' Despite what challenges we have ahead of us in this world, I'm motivated more and more each day to speak my truth and share my stories with and for all of you, to encourage those who are made to feel like outsiders. My art shouldn't be restricted, and neither should what's true in our hearts. My team and I are working on getting answers from YouTube about these so-called "sensitive material restrictions" and I'm hopeful this is a mistake that will be corrected soon to all of my videos. Therefore, I am postponing posting my bts video for Sleepover until YouTube fixes this issue. Love you ❤


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



