デブラ・メッシングのインスタグラム(therealdebramessing) - 3月22日 11時57分

This boy has been through a lot. He almost died. Thanks to extraordinary doctors Henry is on the road to recovery. He smiled today ?It made my heart explode. He's got a funny haircut on his legs now due to all the IVs and tubes but he doesn't seem to mind. Did a lot of praying, and so grateful this little boy has fought hard and he's coming back to us. #puppylove #lifeisfragile #Henry ( bc ppl are asking: Henry was regurgitating, had a fever, stopped eating and drinking, then had a seizure while in the hospital. Sepsis. He had a very scary night and then we got word that he has atypical Addison's Disease which is a rare, serious disease but is manageable with daily medication. Best possible scenario)


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