ジェシー・ウィリアムズのインスタグラム(ijessewilliams) - 3月24日 10時19分

On Monday night, a 28-year-old white man named James Harris Jackson stabbed a 66-year-old named Timothy Caughman to death near Times Square in New York City. Jackson told police he attacked Caughman at random because Caughman was black. Authorities say that Jackson, who is reportedly a member of a "documented hate group" in Maryland, carried out his attack in New York "because it is the media capital of the world and he wanted to make a statement." https://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/03/22/nypd_raises_nyc_security_level_because_of_london_not_white_supremacist_attack.html #StayWoke #StayReady #terrorism #terrorist #OnASwivel #ProtectYouAndOurs

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