ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月24日 21時23分

The artist Doug Wheeler is known for creating environments in which light and space are experienced in the way they might be in the realms of mystical vision or psychedelic drugs. His works may seem simple, but they’re tough, and expensive, to achieve. Doug has long dreamed of work that incorporates another sense, sound — or the near absence of it. His latest work, “PSAD Synthetic Desert III,” opens on Friday and runs through August at the @グッゲンハイム美術館. His inspiration: solitary desert sojourns in Northern Arizona, and elsewhere in the West. The sensory work has been in the works for several weeks. It required the construction of a kind of floating room-within-a-room, resting on gaskets so that the chamber absorbs as little sound as possible from the structure of the museum itself. Groups of 5 will be allowed in through a series of sound locks. “The room is so silent that any footfall or coat rustle or stomach gurgle, even the sound of swallowing, registers as a kind of thundering violation,” writes @ニューヨーク・タイムズ critic Randy Kennedy. The @ニューヨーク・タイムズ photographer @cenicola0 took this photo of the work by #DougWheeler at the #Guggenheim. Visit the link in our profile to read an interview with the artist.


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