モーリスラクロアのインスタグラム(mauricelacroix) - 3月25日 01時44分

It all started with painting shadows, now Alexa Meade makes 3D to 2D Magic and she joins us today to help us kickstart our “Iconic Cities” campaign. Behind the beautiful subject is the skyline of New York City, a place, like many other bustling cities, where dreams are made. But for many of us, just like in a painting, it’s the journey that really defines the outcome. Stay tuned for more to come. On the model’s wrist: AIKON Ladies Double Strap.
#MLBW17 #MauriceLacroix #YourTimeIsNow #baselworld2017


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



