ナジブ・ラザクのインスタグラム(najib_razak) - 3月25日 14時07分

They are at work even before I wake up. And more often than not, they return home to their children fast asleep.

On duty, they stand tirelessly all day, even when necessary under the hot sun or pouring rain. This is what some members of @pdrmsia_official in charge of my security go through daily, just so that I can perform my duties as Prime Minister.

Becoming a member of our police force should be a career choice respected by all, and the vast majority of our police force serve with dedication as well as high degrees of integrity and responsibility.

In conjunction with the Police Day this year, let us continue to strengthen cooperation between the police and the community.

I want to remind all members of the Royal Malaysia Police: wear your badges and uniforms with pride, and serve the people to the best of your abilities.

We should all assist and help them; as we protect and help families and friends of our own. For the Royal Malaysia Police are on the frontline defending the safety and security of all Malaysians.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the police force for their sacrifice. Selamat #HariPolis!


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