アレクシス・ナップのインスタグラム(alexisknapp) - 4月3日 13時33分

Everywhere I go people keep giving me books!!! Wow :) let's see if this helps me cure my carpal tunnel issues ... met a guy tonight who's been suffering from chronic back pain for years, doctors all said he'd suffer forever, nothing could be done. Unaccepting the limitations of western medicine, he starts doing his own research. Came across someone's YouTube channel who advocates this book; within two months of reading this and following its guidance, NO more back pain, whatsoever. I just finished a group sound/breathing meditation class with this guy....I felt no lies.... so, worth a try !
Does anyone else have any aches and pains that they can't seem to get rid of? Vent it out below, you're not alone.

#yoga #meditation #healing #selfhealing #mindbodyspirit #bookstagram


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