Beautiful Nature & Animalsのインスタグラム(wonderful_earthpix) - 4月6日 09時26分

@armtheanimals Most people have NO IDEA H.J Res.69 passed, which now allows for the killing of denning/hibernating animals on formerly protected Federal land in Alaska. Hunters can now legally attack hibernating animal families in their dens, lure them with food trails and use wire snares and iron trap-jaws to catch wildlife.

@armtheanimals new "Can't Rest Bear" features a bear cub behind a machine gun, ready to fend of hunters & they are hoping like hell this shirt will help raise awareness to what is going on. If you want to help us raise awareness, repost this pic tag @armtheanimals and #hjres69. @armtheanimals will be giving 3 shirts away to some lucky supporters. @armtheanimals


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