エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 4月14日 16時06分

Dear yoga,
I miss you. I think about you often and all the joy and peace you've brought into my life. It's been a rough week, I feel like I'm going a little bit cray, and I really wish we could hang out. But you see, there's this little blonde boy who's smile lights up my life and yes, he's exhausting- in the best way possible, and he requires a massive amount of attention, so I hope you understand why I've been MIA and that I'm pretty busy at the moment. But don't worry, I will make time for you soon. I promise.
Amy ??
More about the importance of exercise on amydavidson.com ??Hope to see you there! ?? http://liketk.it/2r1Pc #liketkit #crow #LTKSaleAlert #mama #babayboy #baby #LTKStyleTip #LTKFit #yoga #yogi #yogimama #mommy #namaste #instayoga #yogaeverydamnday I wish!!! #yogapants #LTKBaby #igers #postnatalyoga


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