ランス・バスのインスタグラム(lancebass) - 4月15日 05時54分

My Aunt Helen's strawberry salad always reminds me of #Easter. It's so different and very Spring! Here's the recipe in case you want to impress the family this holiday weekend. Enjoy! Helen’s Strawberry Salad
1 package ramen noodles (discard seasoning packet)
¼ cup sliced almonds
¼ cup ready to eat salted sunflower seeds
¼ cup butter (4 tbsp)
romaine lettuce, washed and torn in pieces
bag baby spinach
1 ½ cups sliced strawberries
sweet and sour dressing
Melt butter and mix with crumbled ramen noodles and almonds. Transfer to baking sheet and bake for 6 minutes at 400 degrees. Cool mixture.
Combine lettuce, spinach, strawberries, sunflower seeds, and noodle mixture. Toss with sweet and sour dressing right before serving.
Sweet and Sour Dressing:
1 cup vegetable oil
½ cup red wine vinegar
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste.
Blend all ingredients in a glass jar with lid. Shake well. Use amount needed to toss salad and store rest. #LanceEats ?:LoveGrowsWild


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