ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月21日 21時33分

At dawn in California’s Bay Area, the river of commuters begins to flow. It’s filled with the people who help make our smartphones, our favorite games, the apps we download. But many have also come to make something else: a new life in America. The high-tech industry is deeply dependent on workers from all over the world: estimates say 1 in 8 tech workers has an H-1B visa, which are granted to highly skilled workers from overseas. As a result, an ethnically diverse population flourishes in this part of California. The Sikh Gurdwara Sahib temple in San Jose is one of the largest Sikh temples in North America. The 49-mile stretch of towns and cities from San Jose to San Francisco is filled with Asian eateries, like the popular Rajwadi Thali restaurant in Sunnyvale, photographed here by @deannefitzmaurice. But President Trump’s plans to change the rules that govern work visas and #immigration have thrown the lives of many visa holders into limbo. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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