モーガン・キングのインスタグラム(kingmorghan) - 4月24日 03時25分

I couldn't #resist when @Reebok put this shirt out. Weightlifting is unconventional female sport. We get laughed at, stared at and questioned incessantly about how much we bench press or if we are a fitness model. Lets #changethestigma of what a woman should look like in this sport. You know what the best part of weightlifting is, anyone can try it. It doesn't matter where you came from, your athletic background or if your big or small. There is room for everyone and there is always another kilo to add. Don't let the people that don't take the time to understand what you do get in the way of pursuing your goals and dreams. Here's to the strong women that inspired us and the ones that raised us.
#futureisfemale #neverthelessshepersisted #bemorehuman #thinkcreate #weightlifting #womeninsport


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