ルーシー・メックレンバーグのインスタグラム(lucymeck1) - 4月25日 20時56分

My beaut sister @lydiameck .. lydia is the student ambassador for @resultswithlucy student plan! As a student she realised how much excessive drinking & fast food took a toll on her body & mood. She learnt with @resultswithlucy you can have fun but also make healthier food choices on a budget & have an active lifestyle! (No lay ins til 2pm everyday ?) With @myunidays we give students 25% off all of our plans! Including our brand new plan Beach Body that launched yesterday!!! #rwlstudentplan #rwlfitties #resultswithlucy #beachbodywithlucy #healthystudent #studentdiscount #unidays


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



