パリス・マイケル・キャサリン・ジャクソンのインスタグラム(parisjackson) - 4月28日 08時05分

came across this online and i'm not sure what the source is but this is really important to spread towards people that are struggling with depression or anxiety, self-harm, and or suicidal thoughts. this show was an amazing way to get the message across to bullies that they need to stop doing what they are doing, it really did a good job of showing how impactful words and actions can be to other human beings. you can't just do or say things to people without thinking about how it will affect them. but at the same time it is also an extremely triggering thing to watch. please only watch this show with caution and keep in mind that it may put you in a dark place. if you are struggling please don't watch it. if you think you can handle it, please by all means check it out.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



